Advanced Filter in XML Format

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Advanced Filter in XML Format

On the scrGeneralList Screen, users can use advanced filters in the xcListViewHPxml object to query information from the file in XML format used on the display list of Scheduling items. The available properties in this object are described on the next table.

Properties for the advanced filter in the xcListViewHPxml object




Indicates which filter structure is used. The available options are 0: XML format or 1: User-defined format


A String that receives an advanced filter. If the AdvancedFormatMode option is configured with value 0 (zero, XML format), this String's format must be, for example, "contains(@name, 'cmd') and @TI >= '10'". If the AdvancedFormatMode option is configured with value 1 (one, User-defined format), this String's format must be, for example, "@Name:'cmd' AND @T:'xo'"



After configuring the value of the strAdvancedFilter property, users must configure the value of the bXML_MountTemplate property to True.

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