Deploy and Deploy++

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Deploy and Deploy++

After finishing creating algorithms for a Code Package, users must perform a packing procedure.

Creating a Package with Deploy keeps the source code legible, allowing a developer to deliver an open source code. This is ideal for situations in which users of these packages can have have access to that source code, for a better understanding of the algorithms implemented, as well as for maintenance or expansion.

Creating a Package with Deploy++ allows EPM Processor to create high-performance binary code. In this case, the source code is converted into binary code using the Cython module. These types of packaging, in addition to a better performance on execution, also provide more security on coding, due to the compilation process itself, and provide a protection for intelectual property. For production systems, it is recommended to use this method.



Once a source code passes through a Deploy++ process, it is impossible to recover the original source code. It is recommended to use a version control system for the source code, such as Git, Mercurial, or SVN, among others.


To perform a packaging, follow these procedures.

1.Click Compile.

2.Click Deploy or Deploy++, depending on the case.

Deploy Code Package window

Deploy Code Package window

3.Once a Package is created, it can be updated by the Deploy process, but users must confirm replacing the old Package by the new one.

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