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Enum Indicates whether a Command asks for confirmation or not. Possible values for this property are -1 - ccNever: Executes a Command without asking users for confirmation or 0 - ccAlways: Always ask for confirmation before executing a Command (default). The behavior of a Command with Interlocks is affected by the behavior of this property as follows:

If this property is set to 0 (zero, ccAlways):

If the Command is not interlocked, displays a dialog box asking for confirmation to execute this Command

If the Command is interlocked, the behavior depends on the CommandInterlockMode property:

If the CommandInterlockMode property is set to 0 (zero, cimDoNothing), displays a dialog box asking for confirmation to execute this Command

If the CommandInterlockMode property is set to 1 (one, cimWarning), displays a dialog box warning that the Command Unit is interlocked and asks for confirmation to execute this Command

If the CommandInterlockMode property is set to 2 (two, cimBlockCommand), the Operate option on the window of a PowerExplorer object's Commands tab is then disabled

If this property is set to -1 (minus one, ccNever):

If the Command is not interlocked, it is executed

If the Command is interlocked, the behavior depends on the CommandInterlockMode property:

If the CommandInterlockMode property is set to 0 (zero, cimDoNothing), this Command is not executed, nor displays any dialog box

If the CommandInterlockMode property is set to 1 (one, cimWarning), displays a dialog box warning that the Command Unit is interlocked and asks for confirmation to execute this Command

If the CommandInterlockMode property is set to 2 (two, cimBlockCommand), the Operate option on the window of a PowerExplorer object's Commands tab is then disabled

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