Accessing Objects using the Item Method

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Accessing Objects using the Item Method

Every collection contains an Item method, which can be used to access any object within that collection. The Item method accepts an Item parameter, which can be a positive integer number or the name of an object to access within a collection. The next example adjusts the color of the second Pen of an E3Chart.

Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  ' Changes the color of the second pen
  Screen.Item("E3Chart1").Pens.Item(2).Color = RGB(212, 208, 20)
End Sub


The same adjustment can be performed with the next example.

Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  ' Changes the color of a pen named "Pen2"
  Screen.Item("E3Chart1").Pens.Item("Pen2").Color = RGB(212, 208, 20)
End Sub


The previous commands are equivalent, the first one indicating the index of a Pen within a collection and the second one indicating its name.

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