Standards for Colors in Measurements

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Standards for Colors in Measurements

The Measurements tab allows users to configure colors returned, at run time, in the MeasurementColor properties of Measurements and Measurement Sources, according to their statuses. This color table can be configured at run time in the object returned by Power Configuration's MeasurementColors property. The tab to configure colors of Measurements is displayed on the next figure.

Measurements tab

Measurements tab

The columns available to edit Display colors are described on the next table.

Edition columns for colors of Measurement Displays



Measurement status

Describes meter's status, which considers the following possibilities: Normal (good quality), Not acked alarm, Acked alarm, and Bad Quality. This is a read-only property


Color displayed when a meter is in this status


Indicates whether a display must blink when a meter is in this status


Colors for Measurement statuses and their blinking information can be configured by script using the object returned by the MeasurementColors property of the Power Configuration object, according to the next tables.

Configuration options for colors of Measurement statuses


Default Color


Normal (good quality)

Yellow or RGB(255, 255, 0)

Corresponds to the ColorNormal property of the Measurement Colors object

Not acked alarm

Red or RGB(255, 0, 0)

Corresponds to the ColorNAck property of the Measurement Colors object

Acked alarm

Blue or RGB(0, 0, 255)

Corresponds to the ColorAlarm property of the Measurement Colors object

Bad quality

White or RGB(255, 255, 255)

Corresponds to the ColorBad property of the Measurement Colors object


Blinking options for Measurement statuses


Default Blinking


Normal (good quality)


Corresponds to the BlinkNormal property of the Measurement Colors object

Not acked alarm


Corresponds to the BlinkNAck property of the Measurement Colors object

Acked alarm


Corresponds to the BlinkAlarm property of the Measurement Colors object

Bad quality


Corresponds to the BlinkBad property of the Measurement Colors object

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