Access Format

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Access Format

Generates a database in Access or MDB (Microsoft Access Database) format, default database for Elipse Power. To use this feature, follow these procedures:

1.Right-click the project's name in Explorer and select the Insert - Database option. In Domain mode, right-click the Server objects - Databases item, select the Insert Database In option, and then the project's name. The object is then created and its script edition window is opened.

2.To configure it, go to the Configuration tab on the Properties Window.

Configuration for Databases in Access format

Configuration for Databases in Access format

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options for the Configuration tab




Selects the type of Database to use in this project. Possible values for this option are 0: stAccess, 1: stOracle, 2: stSqlServer, 3: stPostgreSQL, or 4: stMySQL. This option corresponds to the SourceType property of a Database object

MDB file

Name of a file in MDB format used in this project. NOTE: This option accepts an absolute path as well as a path relative to the Domain's current folder. The full path must exist for this file in MDB format to be created or found correctly

DB password

Password of an Access database


User of the database connected via Elipse Power. This option corresponds to the UserName property of a Database object


Password of the user performing the logon

Test Connection

Tests the connection with an Access database


3.In the Database option, select the 0 - stAccess item.

4.Type a file name, whether it exists or not, in the MDB file option, according to the previous figure.

5.If necessary, configure the User, Password, and DB Password options according to Access definitions. These options can remain blank and, in this case, the application assumes Elipse Power's default settings.

6.Click Test Connection to check whether these settings are correct and then click OK to save these settings.

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