Analog Alarm

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Analog Alarm

Insert also an Analog-type Alarm to monitor Current on Phase A's behavior. To do so, follow these steps:

1.Select Measurement CurrentA on Terminal2 of Breaker 52-03, which belongs to Bay1, and select the Insert - Analog Alarm option on its contextual menu.

Inserting an Analog Alarm

Inserting an Analog Alarm

2.Right-click this Alarm and select the Properties option. On the window that opens, select the Analog tab and configure it as shown on the next figure.

Analog Alarm Subconditions

Analog Alarm Subconditions

3.Execute this application.

4.Click the Display linked to the current Measurement and select the Operator Source option.

Operator Source

Operator Source

5.Type a value greater than 160 and check if an alarm appears on Alarm Summary.

Alarm Summary

Alarm Summary



Create Analog Alarms for Measurements OilTemperature, VoltageA, ActivePower, and CurrentA of Transformer TR-01.

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