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ESign(ObjName, [Description], [Action], [From], [To], [User], [Comment])

This method is used to validate a field change by using an electronic signature. When this method is used, the dialog box on the next figure is displayed.

Digital Signature dialog box

Digital Signature dialog box

Parameters of the ESign method




Text that contains a Tag name or another application object


Text that contains a description for ObjName. This parameter is optional and, if omitted, this dialog box tries to retrieve data from ObjName's DocString property


Text that contains an action to execute, such as "Value change". This parameter is optional and, if omitted, inserts an empty String in the Action field


Variant that contains the original value, or a state to change. This parameter is optional and, if omitted, inserts an empty String in the From field


Variant that contains the new Tag value, or a value to apply on Action. This parameter is optional and, if omitted, inserts an empty String in the To field


Returned text. Receives the login name selected on this dialog box. This parameter is optional and, if omitted, inserts an empty String in the User field


Returned text. Receives a comment typed on this dialog box. This parameter is optional and, if omitted, inserts an empty String in the Comment field


When clicking Open login window, a window then opens to authenticate a user. If the Windows option is selected, the User name and Password fields are automatically disabled. Click Other user to select a user belonging to a network domain. In case the E3 option is selected, type information about a user belonging to an E3 Domain in the User name and Password fields.

Integrated login

Integrated login

This method returns True if users click OK, and if the User and Password fields are valid. Otherwise, if this dialog box is dismissed or if the login or password are wrong after three attempts, this method returns False. In case of failure, User and Comment are configured to an empty String.

Pre-defined comments are stored on Windows Registry. Only the last 26 comments are saved. Every time this window is created, the last comments are retrieved from Registry, and then used to populate a list box. If users provide a new comment, it is saved and the oldest one is discarded, in case there is no free position. If it is an already existing comment, then it moves to the top of the recent comments list. Example:

Sub Button1_Click()
  Dim Tag, User, Comment
  Set Tag = Application.GetObject("IO.Inputs.IO01")
  If Application.ESign(Tag.PathName, , "Value Change", _
    Tag.Value, 1, User, Comment) Then
    If Tag.WriteEx(1) Then
      Application.TrackEvent _
        "Tag IO.Inputs.IO01 changed to 1 " &_
        "by the user" & User, Comment
    End If
  End If
End Sub

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