Changes in Elipse Power Viewer Mode

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Changes in Elipse Power Viewer Mode

For users to have access to Elipse Power with Read-Only mode on, at least one of these conditions must be true:

The license in use must be of type Viewer Only

A user logged on with no permission to access a Writing access to the server item


It is worth noticing that in case there is no user logged on an Elipse Power Viewer, an anonymous user, access restrictions apply as long as one or more users have this restriction.

Thus, every time a user changes, Elipse Power Viewer's access mode can be changed, and consequently the IsReadOnly property, according to the result of a combination between what is permitted by the license in use and the permission of the logged in user.

Changing access mode can also happen in case there is an Elipse Power Viewer reconnection, since it can trigger either a license change, from Viewer Control to Viewer Only or vice versa, or a change in permissions of the logged in user.

In case there is any user with a blocked writing access to a server when Elipse Power Viewer opens, they enter this application automatically with Read-Only mode on, regardless of the license in use, since an anonymous user always assume the maximum configured restriction.

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