Domain's Object Counting

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Domain's Object Counting

The Domain's Object Counting tool allows viewing the number of existing objects in a Domain, separated by classes sorted alphabetically or grouped by modules. This counting can also be performed contextually to an object, by right-clicking an object and selecting the Object Counting Object Counting item.

Domain's Object Counting window

Domain's Object Counting window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on Domain's Object Counting window



Sort by Category Sort by Category

Displays object counting organized by module

Sort Alphabetically Sort Alphabetically

Displays object counting organized alphabetically

Refresh Refresh

Refreshes the object counting. NOTE: This refresh process is not automatic, except when a removed object is the base object of the counting context or when a Domain is closed

Count ElipseX's Instance Children Count ElipseX's Instance Children

Includes in the counting internal children of XControl, XFolder, or XObject instances

Find Find

Allows filtering this list by an object's name or partial name



The Object Counting contextual menu is not available in Organizer in Domain mode for Settings, Server objects, Files, and Remote Domains items.

Individual files on Files item in Organizer in Domain mode allow using the Object Counting contextual menu.

For password-protected files, they must be open to be added to this counting process.

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