Generating and Editing

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Generating and Editing

To generate a Schematic View automatically, click Generate Schematic View Generate Schematic View on Electrical Modeler toolbar to open the window on the next figure.

Generate Schematic View window

Generate Schematic View window

The Profile option allows selecting a Profile to guide the generation of the Schematic View. The Edit Profile Edit Profile option opens the Schematic Profiles window, to edit the selected Profile.

The Feeders column displays a list with all Feeders available on the Electrical Model. If there are pre-selected Feeders on the Electrical Model when this window is opened, these ones are automatically selected on this list and the first one selected is guaranteed to be visible. Feeders are displayed in alphabetical order.

The Forced devices list must contain all devices that are part of the Schematic View regardless of what is configured in the Profile. The Add forced devices Add forced devices option allows including devices on this list. This option is only available when there is at least one Feeder selected. When clicking this option, the window on the next figure is opened to select which devices must be forced.

Forced Devices window

Forced Devices window

Only devices that are part of the selected Feeders are displayed on this window, not including Connectors and Branches already forced.

The Remove Forced Device Remove Forced Device option allows removing one or more forced devices. This option is only available if there is at least one device selected on the list, and that removal is performed without asking users for confirmation.

The Keep Schematic View layout when synchronizing option configures whether the original layout must be preserved or not when this Schematic View is synchronized.

The Enable organic pre-processing option allows generating a network diagram with a radial shape, instead of the default semi-spiral shape. Selecting this option produces better results in diagrams with several interconnected Feeders, while clearing this option produces better results in diagrams with a single Feeder.

The Include neighbor feeders option allows Feeders next to the selected Feeders for viewing to be included as well.

The Include Substation source breakers option allows an output Breaker or Recloser of the Feeder to be represented in the Schematic View.

The One Schematic View for each Feeder and A single Schematic View options configure whether a Schematic View must be generated for each Feeder or a single Schematic View representing all Feeders, respectively.

Click Generate to generate one or more Schematic Views, according to all configurations. This option is only available if users select at least one Feeder. When clicking this option a consistency check is performed to verify if all forced devices on the list belong to the selected Feeders. If a Feeder was selected and its devices were also selected, but later this Feeder's selection was cleared, all forced devices in this case are not used when generating the Schematic View. The message on the next figure is then displayed, according to the user-performed configurations.

Message about an unused device

Message about an unused device

When clicking Yes, all Schematic Views are generated and the forced devices not belonging to any Feeder are not saved to any Schematic View. When clicking No, the generation of Schematic Views is canceled and this window is not closed, so that users can fix this problem, by manually removing the objects or including the Feeders.

After creation, users can edit all properties of a Schematic View. Click Manage Schematic Views Manage Schematic Views on the management window to show the window on the next figure.

Edit Schematic View window

Edit Schematic View window

On this window, users can edit the Profile used by a Schematic View, which Feeders are part of that View, which forced devices are available, whether this Schematic View's layout must be preserved or not if it is synchronized, and whether its organic pre-processing must be enabled or not. Also, users can edit the selected Profile by clicking Edit Profile Edit Profile.

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