Using Databases with Hot-Standby

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Using Databases with Hot-Standby

Users can have two servers executing separately in the same application. One of them remains active, while the other one remains in Standby mode, waiting for a possible failure.

Hot-Standby ensures application continuity, but when using a database, users must also ensure continuous access to that database.

There are two ways to solve this problem. In the first one, both applications access the same database. Users enable database access in the application, setting up a Database object on both servers, Main and Standby, with the same location parameters of the database on the network. To ensure system's continuity, it is important that the database be on a separate machine, accessible by both servers.

In the second way, data recording is performed on different databases. In this case, users must have two databases executing locally on both servers. Thus, users can ensure that access to these databases is always available, because the machine executing the application also executes the database.

An interesting option in this case is syncing between different databases of the main and secondary application. Database's EnableSynchronization property enables this feature in the application. When it is active, all data stored on the main database is updated on the Standby database almost instantly.



If the main application cannot send data to a Standby server, then data remains stored on local disk for sending it later (when communication between these two computers is reestablished), ensuring that tables generated by the application are the same.

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