Generating Logs in Elipse Power

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Generating Logs in Elipse Power

Elipse Power stores all significant events of its operation in logs in ETL (Event Trace Log) format. These logs store information about how Elipse Software systems work, such as computer's memory consumption and database operations, among others. Log files are saved on the c:\eelogs\e3 folder, created during installation, as shown on the next figure.

Elipse Power logs folder

Elipse Power logs folder

The name of a log file informs its type and year, month, and day of creation. Main types are E3, PowerEngine, and IOData, that last one recording communication data with devices.

These log files are managed by an Elipse Software tool called Elipse Event Log Viewer, available with Elipse Power installation. With this tool, users can view these files and manage the space they occupy on disk, among other configurations. For more information about Elipse Event Log Viewer, please check Elipse Event Log User's Manual, available via Start - Programs - Elipse Software - Elipse Event Log menu. Elipse Event Log Viewer can be opened using the following options:

Via Start - Programs - Elipse Software - Elipse Event Log - Log Viewer menu

Via Elipse Power Studio's Tools - Log Viewer menu

Via Shortcuts - Log Viewer Log Viewer option of E3 Admin's contextual menu on Windows Notification Area

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