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In addition to XControls and XFolders, users can also create a data library, called XObject. With it, users can define a data structure that is executed in a server. Such structure can perform calculations, Links, communication, alarm acknowledgment, and historical recording, among others, which do not depend on any graphical interface (Elipse Power Viewer) opened or executing at that moment. To create an XObject, right-click a .lib file in Organizer and select the Insert - XObject option.

The available options for XObject Properties are the same as the ones for XControls and XFolders. In addition to Properties, any Elipse Power object can be inserted into an XObject for execution in a server. For a complete list, click the combo box on Properties' Type column and check a list of available objects. This allows users to define a complex management system as a library, which can be easily replicated as needed in an application.

Users can insert XObjects in any Data Server by right-clicking it and then selecting the Insert option. Even if a library file contains several XControls, XFolders, and XObjects, Elipse Power Studio only shows XControls for Screens and XFolders and XObjects for Data Servers.

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