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1.Check if the DB1 object already exists in the application. It was added on the first chapter, in one of the steps of the Application Wizard. If it was not created, add it by right-clicking the Server Objects - Databases item and select the Insert Database in - Elipse_Power_Tutorial.prj option.

Database object

Database object

2.Select this object and, using its contextual menu, open its properties window. On this window, perform the following configurations:

Database: 2 - stSqlServer

Server: .\SqlExpress

Database: ELIPSEPower_Training

Network Library: 0 - Default

Provider: 2 - MSOLEDBSQL

User: Provided by a database administrator

Password: Provided by a database administrator


Database properties

Database properties

3.Click Test Connection. If all settings are correct, the next dialog box is displayed.

Successful connection

Successful connection



These settings are valid for training courses at Elipse Software. If this is not the situation, use the settings provided by a database administrator.

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