Schematic View

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Schematic View

After finishing the system modeling, let's create a Schematic View to simplify the operation Screen.

1.Click Show Schematic Views Show Schematic Views.

2.Click Manage Schematic Views Manage Schematic Views.

3.On the window that opens, create a new Schematic View named "SchematicOperation", according to the next figure.

Schematic Views window

Schematic Views window

4.Go back to the system diagram and drag the next devices to the Schematic View just created.

Breaker 5201 from Substation SUB01

Breaker 5201 from Substation SUB02

Reclosers RL01 and RL02 from Feeder FE01

Link Node representing Substation SUB01, located in Feeder FE01

Recloser RL03 from Feeder FE02

Link Node representing Substation SUB02, located in Feeder FE02


5.Add a Tie Node Tie Node in the following locations:

Below Terminal 2 of Breaker 5201 from Substation SUB01

Below Terminal 2 of Breaker 5201 from Substation SUB02

Between Terminal 2 of Recloser RL02 and Terminal 2 of Recloser RL03


6.By using a Jumper Jumper, interconnect all devices.

7.By the end of the configuration, the Schematic View must be similar to the next figure.

Resulting Schematic View

Resulting Schematic View

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