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Boolean This property determines the behavior when activating or deactivating an OPC Group. When this property is set to True, communication of OPC Group Tags starts at once. This usually improves performance, a shorter activation time, by minimizing the number of calls to the OPC server. When this property is set to False, its behavior is activating communication for each OPC Group Tag individually, according to the normal activation sequence of objects. With it, for example, the first OPC Group Tag, in the order displayed in Organizer, communicates before the last Tag. Although slower, this activation mode of an OPC Block can be an advantage when trying to perform an operation, such as a Tag writing, in a script of a Tag's OnStartRunning event. The deactivation occurs in an analogous way. When the value of this property is set to True, the deactivation of communication of OPC Group Tags occurs at once, when finishing the deactivation of the whole OPC Group. In case this property is set to False, deactivation of communication occurs individually for each Tag, according to the normal activation sequence of objects.

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