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Enum Determines how writings are sent to the I/O Server, in synchronous or asynchronous mode. This property contains the configuration options described on the next table.

Available options for the WriteSyncMode property



0 - wsmDefault

Synchronous mode (default)

1 - wsmSync

Synchronous mode. Every time a value is written to an I/O Tag, E3Run sends the writing to the I/O Server and waits for the return of that writing

2 - wsmAsyncUnconfirmed

Asynchronous mode without confirmation. All writings are sent to the I/O Server without waiting their return, and it is always assumed that writing was successful. When in asynchronous mode, I/O Tag's writing methods, Write and WriteEx, always return True immediately, and writing status, on methods returning this status, remains always empty. I/O Driver's OnTagWrite event is executed as soon as the writing is sent to the I/O Server, and the Succeeded parameter always remains in True


Asynchronous writings are executed by the I/O Server as soon as this I/O Driver is available, when the current reading finishes. If several asynchronous writings are sent to the I/O Server, this I/O Driver only resumes readings after all asynchronous writings are executed.

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