E3 Viewer Tab

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E3 Viewer Tab

On E3 Viewer tab, users can configure Viewer's title, Screen, and zoom, as well as other properties, as explained next.

E3 Viewer tab

E3 Viewer tab

Each option on E3 Viewer tab has a corresponding property. The available options are described on the next table.

Available options for E3 Viewer tab




Determines Viewer's title. This option is equivalent to Viewer's Caption property

Initial Screen or Frame

Determines Viewer's initial Screen or Frame. Click Open AppBrowser so that Elipse Power Studio opens AppBrowser, where users can select the initial view Screen. This option is equivalent to Viewer's InitialScreen property


Determines Viewer's zoom level. By selecting one of its options, users can configure how a Viewer is initialized. This option is equivalent to the zoom parameter of Viewer's InitialScreen property

Screen Alignment

Determines the alignment of the Screen relative to the visible area. This option is equivalent to Viewer's ScreenAlignment property

Enable scrollbar in Initial Screen

Enables a scroll bar on the Screen informed in the Initial Screen or Frame option

Show Zoom menu when right-clicking

Enables displaying a Zoom menu with a right-click, at run time. This option is equivalent to Viewer's AllowContextMenu property. NOTE: In applications earlier than version 5.1, this property's behavior is configured in the EnableZoomMenu property, which was deprecated

Keep Screens loaded on memory

Enables Viewer to keep the loaded Screens in memory. This option is equivalent to Viewer's CacheEnable property

Inactivity time (minutes)

Defines the maximum time, in minutes, to wait for a mouse or keyboard event for the inactivity period. This option is equivalent to Viewer's EnableInactivity property

Number of retries for user/password confirmation

Establishes the number of times the login dialog box is displayed, in addition to the first time. This option is equivalent to Viewer's LoginRetries property


Specify options to use Elipse KeyPad. Please check topic Elipse KeyPad for more information about this option



Selecting a value in the Screen Alignment option forces that alignment on the Screen to open, regardless of the configuration in the Screen's ScreenAlignment property, in Viewer's ScreenAlignment property, or the configuration executed on Viewer's contextual menu at run time. On this contextual menu, no items on the Alignment (This Screen) menu is selected. In case one of the items of this contextual menu is selected on the opened Screen, the selected item overwrites the value used in this option. The Alignment (All Screens) submenu, on the other hand, has one of its items selected, but that item is only effective if users explicitly select the Use Default item of the Alignment (This Screen) menu.

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