Displays Tab

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Displays Tab

This tab displays Pens corresponding to data available on the Connections tab. The available options when right-clicking a Display are described on the next table.

Available options on the contextual menu of a Display



Select Columns

Allows selecting which columns are displayed for Pens

Auto Update

Enables or disables the auto-update mode

Show Gridlines

Shows or hides grid lines on Pens area

Show Min/Max Points

Shows or hides minimum and maximum points of Pens

Show Local Legend

Mostra uma legenda com o nome da Pena e a respectiva cor


Uses interpolation to draw a Display


When selecting the Select Columns option, the window on the next figure is displayed.

Legend window

Legend window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Legend window




Available columns for viewing


Moves the selected column to the Selected list


Removes the selected column from the Selected list


Moves the selected column one position up on the Selected list


Moves the selected column one position down on the Selected list


Columns selected for viewing



To reorder the columns of a Legend, use the Up or Down options.

The available options for columns of a Legend, including their width, only apply to the selected Display.


Each Pen has a check box, which indicates whether they are visible on a Display, an icon with a color, and a name. When right-clicking a Pen, users can select the options described on the next table.

Available options on the contextual menu of a Pen



Bring to Front

Moves the selected Pen one position up in the overlay order of Pens. The available options are Bring to Front: Moves the selected Pen to the first position or Bring Forward: Moves the selected Pen one position up

Send to Back

Moves the selected Pen one position down in the overlay order of Pens. The available options are Send to Back: Moves the selected Pen to the last position or Send Backward: Moves the selected Pen one position down


Fits the Pen from the selected Display on both vertical and horizontal axes


Allows editing information about the selected Pen

Show Details

Shows a window with detailed information about a Pen

Delete Pen

Removes the selected Pen from the Display



When deselecting the check box near a Pen, that Pen stops receiving real-time data.

Clicking the color icon of a Pen opens the Windows standard dialog box for selecting colors.


When selecting the Edit option on the contextual menu of a Pen, the window on the next figure is displayed.

Edit window

Edit window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Edit window




Allows changing the title of a Pen


Allows selecting the type of connection of a Pen. Possible values are Discrete or Continuous

Line type

Allows selecting the type of line of a Pen. Possible values are None: No line, only dots, Solid: Solid line, Area: Draws the Pen's area, Dash: Dashed line, Dash Dot: Line with dash-dot, or Dash Dot Dot: Line with dash-dot-dot

Point type

Allows selecting the type of points of a Pen. Possible values are None: No indication of points, Circle, Square, Triangle, or Diamond

Line width

Allows configuring the width of the drawing line of a Pen


Allows configuring the type of connection. Possible values are Don't connect bad points: Does not connect points with bad quality, Connect until bad: Connects points until quality turns bad, or Ignore bad: Ignores points with bad quality

Scan (ms)

Allows configuring the scan time of a Pen



The Line type and Point type options cannot be configured simultaneously with the value None.


When clicking the Show Details option on the contextual menu of a Pen, the window on the next figure is displayed.

Details window

Details window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Details window




Shows the name of a Pen's connection


Shows a Pen's data source


Shows the status of the last query of a Pen


Shows the duration time of the last query of a Pen

Points received

Shows the number of points received during the last query of a Pen


Users can also edit vertical, Numeric, and horizontal, Time, Scales of a Display. To do so, right-click a Scale and select the Edit option. The next figures show the available options for each Scale.

Numeric Scale window

Numeric Scale window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Numeric Scale window




Title of the Vertical Scale

Show Title

Enables or disables viewing the Vertical Scale


Maximum value of the Vertical Scale


Minimum value of the Vertical Scale

Show gridlines

Enables or disables viewing Vertical Scale grid lines relative to Time Scale

Digital axis scale

Adjusts the Vertical Scale for viewing digital or discrete variables

Auto fit

When selecting this option, Pens using this Vertical Scale are permanently adjusted to the visible period. In this mode, users cannot drag the Vertical Scale


Time Scale window

Time Scale window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Time Scale window




Initial date and time displayed on the Time Scale


Final date and time displayed on the Time Scale

Show gridlines

Shows or hides grid lines relative to the Time Scale



To add or remove Numeric Scales, use the Add Scale and Remove Scale options near the respective Scale. Users cannot remove the original Numeric Scale, nor add or remove the Scale Time. To create new Time Scales, add a new Display.

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