Protection Commands

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Protection Commands

In this exercise, let's create a Command to include or exclude a Protection (Protection Mode Command).

1.On Substation SE1, folder Protections of Breaker 52-03, select Protection 79 and add a Commands folder. To do so, right-click this Protection and select the Add - Commands option.

2.Right-click folder Commands and select the Insert - Discrete Command option.

3.Rename this Command to "cmdProtectionMode" and configure its type as *ProtectionMode.

4.Right-click Command cmdProtectionMode and add another Command Unit.

5.Rename these Units to "On" and "Off".

6.Configure the CommandName properties of Command Units On and Off with values TurnOn and TurnOff, respectively.

7.These Commands to turn on and off must write to the Operator item of Measurement ProtectionMode of Protection 79. On Tag column of Command On, select the SE1.Bay1.[52-03].Protections.79.Measurements.ProtectionMode.Operator item, using AppBrowser.

8.Configure Command Unit Off by repeating the previous step.

Command Units

Command Units

9.Create the same Protection for Breakers 52-04 and 52-05.



Protection configuration is almost the same, therefore users can copy a Protection object and paste it to other Breakers. Do not forget to change all linked Tags to Units On and Off.



Create a Time Overcurrent Protection (51) in the Neutral phase, on Breaker 52-03.

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