Data Server

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Data Server

A Data Server is a module responsible for executing and managing Tags and objects that are not directly involved with communication. With a Data Server, users can configure internal and simulation Tags, in addition to insert XObjects, which are data objects from ElipseX libraries. Some objects that can be inserted into a Data Server are described on the next table.

Objects that can be inserted into Data Servers



Counter Tag Counter Tag

Object that performs a time counting, in seconds, up to a pre-determined value, or that performs a certain counting indefinitely

Demo Tag Demo Tag

Object that generates values according to a wave form. It is used to simulate values. It allows generating defined curves or random values

Internal Tag Internal Tag

Generic-purpose object, used to store values of any type, including numbers, texts, and other objects

Timer Tag Timer Tag

Object that performs a time counting and schedules activities. Establishes certain periods of time, with repetitions, to execute actions

Data Folder Data Folder

Defines groups and sub-directories to organize information. New folders can be inserted inside others, if needed



Objects inserted in a Data Server are executed by an E3 Server, therefore they are present in that Server. This information shows how Elipse Power works.

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