Challenge VI

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Challenge VI

Create a Step Command to control Tap position of Transformer TR-01



Use the *TapPosition standard, which is default in Elipse Power.


This command is used to set Transformer's Tap, which is represented by the Measurement TapPosition. Therefore, users must configure this Measurement first.

1.Select Measurement TapPosition of Transformer TR-01 and delete its SCADA measurement source.

2.Select the Operator source of this Measurement and configure its initial value as "8".

Operator Source

Operator Source

3.After that, insert a folder Commands on the Transformer and, inside this folder, create a Step Command.

4.Rename this Command to "cmdTapPosition" and configure its type as *TapPosition (on the combo box).

5.Expand the Command and rename CommandUnit1 to "TapDown". Check if the CommandName property of this Unit is configured as StepDown.

6.Rename CommandUnit2 to "TapUp". Check if the CommandName property of this Unit is configured as StepUp.

Command Units

Command Units

7.On Tag column, link the Operator source of Measurement TapPosition with the expression "SE1.[TR-01].Terminal1.TapPosition.Operator", by using AppBrowser. This expression is the same for both Units.

Tag Links

Tag Links

Until now, all commands sent fixed values to the linked Tag. For a Tap control there is a difference, because users must know the measurement's current value, to increment or decrement it. Therefore, users must reconfigure the command standard *TapPosition.

8.Open the configuration window of standard *TapPosition on Commands tab of Power Configuration object.

9.Configure the Operate Value column with value "-1" for Semantics StepDown.

10.Keep value "1" for Semantics StepUp.

Command Semantics

Command Semantics

11.Change the script on the OnOperate event. Instead of just sending the WriteValue command, let's sum it to the Tag's current value. The script must be changed as follows (the text in bold must be added to the original script):

Sub OnOperate(ActorID, WriteValue, FeedbackValue, Failed)
  Set Tag = Application.GetObject(OperateWriteTag)
  Failed = Not Tag.WriteEx(Tag.Value + WriteValue)
End Sub


12.Execute the application and test this new functionality.

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