Screen Structure

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Screen Structure

A Frame is an object that organizes and structures an interface, creating composed views for users inside Elipse Power Viewer's main window or inside a browser.

On a Frame, users can create Splitters to view different Screens at the same time. Each Splitter can also display a URL, an Excel spreadsheet, a Word document, or a PDF document.

Positioning of Splitters inside a Frame can be horizontal or vertical. A Splitter allows inserting inside it other Splitters. At each pair of new Splitters created by the Split Horizontal and Split Vertical options, there is always a Main Splitter and a Secondary Splitter. Only a Main Splitter contains a value that explicitly define its position, and a Secondary Splitter gets the remaining value.

Screen Objects are graphical elements that can be inserted on Screens to create a visual interface for a process. They can be created using the toolbar of a Screen or using the Objects menu.

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