Breaker Availability

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Breaker Availability

There is a *LoadSheddingBreakerAvailable-type Measurement, which informs whether the Breaker can be considered for the Load Shedding Module or not.

Usually this Measurement is linked to a situation that prevents the Breaker operation, such as a communication failure or some mechanical problem that does not allow opening it (a failure on a spring, etc.).

This Measurement can be inserted directly on Breaker's Measurements folder, where it enables or disables usage for all Scenarios. It can also be inserted on the Measurements folder present on each one of the Scenarios and, in this case, that Measurement is going to be enabled or disabled for this Scenario.

Notice that by default the Breaker is always considered by the Load Shedding Module, it is not considered only when this Measurement exists and it forces a situation of unavailability.

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