Electrical Tools

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Electrical Tools

Based on the electrical model, Elipse Power executes mathematical modules supporting system's operation. These modules interact, in real time, with a SCADA application directly, retrieving information from the current scenario and returning this result for each one of these electrical analysis modules. Available modules are:

Power Flow: Informs the load transfer capacity, their operating limits, and the estimated values of P, Q, I, and V (active power, reactive power, current, and voltage, respectively) at points where there are no metering

Topology Processor: Informs the status of branches, whether they are energized or de-energized, their unattended load, electrical islands, etc.

Load Shedding: Continuously calculates the balance between power supply and demand, in addition to determine the sequence for shutting down loads, if a provider (generator or transmission line) fails. This calculation considers load priorities, facilities capacity, and the current topological status

State Estimator: Fixes measurements, in real-time, that can be corrupted by errors such as inverted sign or multiplier prefix. It also allows estimating quantities to which there is no direct metering

Distribution Load Modeling: Calculates the active and reactive power for each Distribution Transformer, by considering the monthly power demand of consumers and load's typology

Self-Healing: Performs automatic functions for isolating and restoring loads by using simulation and computational speed algorithms, to evaluate the capacity of available circuits and significantly reduce the impact of failures on companies' quality key indexes

External Reader: Allows Switches, Breakers, Switch Fuses, or Reclosers that do not have their SwitchPosition Measurement instantiated in their data object to receive the value informed by this module. It also allows customizing the way this module provides a value for this Measurement


To access storage configurations of the Self-Healing module, right-click this module, in Server objects - Power - Configuration - PowerConfiguration, select the Properties item, and click the Self-Healing tab. The window on the next figure is then displayed.

Self-Healing tab

Self-Healing tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on Self-Healing tab



Store events on a database

Enables or disables storing events on a database. This option corresponds to the Logging property

Database Server

Indicates a Database object to create tables. This option corresponds to the DBServer property

Prefix for table names

Defines a prefix for table names used on the database. This option corresponds to the TableName property

Discard data from the main table

Enables or disables discarding data after a certain period of time. This option corresponds to the EnableDiscard property

Discard data older than

Determines a time interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, in which data is kept on the main table. If table data is older than the time interval in this option, it is discarded. This field is equivalent to the DiscardInterval property and the field to select this interval's time unit is equivalent to the DiscardTimeUnit property

Perform discard every

Determines an interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, to discard older data from a table. This field is equivalent to the VerificationUnit property

Move discarded data to the backup table

Enables or disables storing discarded data on a secondary or backup table. This field is equivalent to the EnableBackupTable

Discard from backup data older than

Determines the maximum time interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, for data on the backup table until being discarded, regardless of the time that data remains on the main table. For example, to keep data for 24 months on the main table and six more months on the backup table, this option's value must be 30 months. This interval must always be greater than the one configured in the Discard data older than item of the main table. This field is equivalent to the BackupDiscardInterval property and the field to select this interval's time unit is equivalent to the BackupDiscardTimeUnit property

Generate tables

Generates the structure of tables on the Database

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