Table Settings

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Table Settings

After defining all previous options, users must configure information for a Historic object's table and then generate its structure on a Database. To do so, right-click a Historic object, select the Properties option, and then select the Historic tab, according to the next figure.

Historic tab

Historic tab

Each option on the Historic tab contains a corresponding property. The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on the Historic tab



Database Server

Defines a Database server. This option is equivalent to the DbServer property of a Historic

Table name

Determines a table name. This option is equivalent to the TableName property of a Historic

Interval between records (ms)

Determines a time interval variation in milliseconds, that is, how often Historic data is stored on a table. This option is equivalent to the ScanTime property of a Historic

Discard data from the main table

Enables or disables discarding data from the main table. Data is considered old according to the Discard data older than option. This option is equivalent to the EnableDiscard property of a Historic

Discard data older than

Determines a time interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, during which data is kept on the main table. If table's data is older than the interval on this option, it is discarded. This option is equivalent to the DiscardInterval property of a Historic and the option to select a time unit for this interval is equivalent to the DiscardTimeUnit property of a Historic

Perform discard every

Determines a discard interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, for old data on a table. This option is equivalent to the VerificationUnit property of a Historic

Move discarded data to the backup table

Enables or disables storing discarded data on a backup table. This option is equivalent to the EnableBackupTable property of a Historic

Discard from backup data older than

Determines a maximum time interval, in minutes, hours, days, or months, for data on a backup table until it is discarded, regardless of the time data remains on the main table. For example, to keep data for 24 months on the main table and six more months on the backup table, this option's value must be 30 months. This interval must be always longer than the one configured in the Discard data older than option of the main table. This option is equivalent to the BackupDiscardInterval property of a Historic and the option to select a time unit for this interval is equivalent to the BackupDiscardTimeUnit property of a Historic

Create Table

Generates this table's structure on the Database. This option is also available by right-clicking a Historic object in Organizer and selecting the Create DB Structure option


When clicking Create Table, Elipse Power Studio displays the dialog box on the next figure.

Message from Elipse Power Studio

Message from Elipse Power Studio

When the Create Table option is used, the table specified on this Historic object is then generated, and also a _Fields table. This table contains information about each Field stored on a Historic object.

Fields table

Fields table

The available fields on the _Fields table of a Historic object are described on the next table.

Fields of a Historic's _Fields table




Dead band


Unit used by a dead band, in absolute values or in percentage


Field's description


Engineering unit


Tag's upper limit


Index of a Field stored on a Historic object


Tag's lower limit


After this time expires, data must be stored automatically


Minimum value for a time variation to store data


Historic's Field name


Field's quality type. Available options are 0: No quality, 1: Method previous to 1.21 version (in which 0: Uncertain quality and 1: Good quality), or 2: Tag's real quality


Scan time used to rebuild a Tag's chart, in milliseconds


Field's size


Link used by this Field to retrieve its values


Field's data type


Field's native data type (0: Undefined, 3: Integer, 5: Double, 8: Text, or 11: Bit)


The Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table option links a Historic to an existing table on a Database. When this option is enabled, Elipse Power Studio opens a dialog box to specify which tables are linked to the current Historic object, according to the next figure.

Selecting a table to link to a Historic

Selecting a table to link to a Historic

After selecting a table and clicking OK, Elipse Power Studio displays the message on the next figure.

Removing a link from a Historic table

Removing a link from a Historic table

By clicking Cancel, Fields configured on this table keep their current configuration. However, by clicking OK, all Fields, Indexes, and Primary Keys defined on a Historic object are replaced by data from the selected table.

When this item is used, two other options are enabled, Do Not Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table Do Not Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table and Fetch Fields from Original Table Fetch Fields from Original Table.

When the Do Not Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table Do Not Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table option is enabled, Elipse Power Studio shows the message on the next figure.

Turning a Historic into a user-created Historic

Turning a Historic into a user-created Historic

By clicking Cancel, this table keeps its current configurations. However, by clicking OK, this table is restarted with its initial Fields, in which there is only a default Field enabled, that is, E3TimeStamp.

A Historic after enabling the Do Not Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table option

A Historic after enabling the Do Not Link Historic with Pre-Existing Table option

The Fetch Fields from Original Table Fetch Fields from Original Table option, on the other hand, recovers data from a Historic linked to an existing table, which were removed.

A Historic using the Fetch Fields from Original Table option

A Historic using the Fetch Fields from Original Table option

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