User Fields Settings

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User Fields Settings

The User fields tab allows adding arbitrary values to alarm events.

User fields tab

User fields tab

The available options on this tab are described on the next table.

Available options on the User fields tab




Specifies this Field's name


Specifies this Field's type. Available options are 0: String, 1: Integer, 2: Double, or 3: DateTime


Specifies this Field's size


Specifies this Alarm's data source


Forces an immediate update on all alarms that inherit this User Field's value, whenever it receives a forced value or if its Link changes

Add User Field Add User Field

Adds a User Field at the end of this list

Remove User Field Remove User Field

Removes the last User Field on this list


User Fields can only be included or excluded at the end of this list. Excluding User Fields from this list reflects on all Alarm Areas and Sources related to this Alarm Server, but only if the removed Fields were not configured with a forced value or a Link. Otherwise, these Fields still appear on Alarm Areas and Sources. The next figure shows an Analog Alarm with User Fields inherited from an Alarm Server.

Inherited User Fields

Inherited User Fields


For more information about the behavior of a User Field from Alarm Areas and Sources, in Elipse Power Studio and at run time, please check the Link, Value, and ValueSource properties on Elipse Power Reference and Scripts Manual.

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