Elipse Power: PowerCAD and Electrical Modeler

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Elipse Power: PowerCAD and Electrical Modeler

Implemented a shortcut on the F2 key to edit names of objects in the Electrical Modeler.

Added a progress bar to the Automatic Generation of Schematic Views of the Electrical Modeler.

Created an automatic organization tool for the System diagram in electrical models in EDB format.

Implemented tools for editing, syncing, and acknowledging Schematic View layouts.

Changed the symbols of Recloser, Switch, and Voltage Regulator objects so that the orientation of the "R" indication do not stay upside down.

Changed the behavior of size and rotation of a new object, to obey the size and rotation of the last object edited. Created the maximum and minimum limits for the size of new objects, to prevent them from being overly small (invisible) or large (exceed the limits of the working area).

Enabled multiple selection when dragging and dropping on Schematic Views thumbnails to create schematic devices already referenced.

The color of LinkNode objects in Feeders now reflects the color of the pointed container.

Added the elements Wind Power Plant, Wind Turbine, and Wind Weather Station to the Electrical Modeler and to Electrical Studies.

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