License Type Information

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License Type Information

This section contains information about the properties of a License Type Information (LicenseCounterNode) object. This object does not contain events nor methods associated to it.



Using brackets when referencing this object in scripts, such as "[?Server].License.IoDrivers", is mandatory.


The currently available License Type Information objects are the following:

ViewersControl: Elipse Power Viewer licenses

ViewersOnly: Elipse Power Viewer Only licenses

Studios: Elipse Power Studio licenses

IoPoints: I/O points licenses

StorageTags: Storage Tags licenses

RemoteServers: Remote Domain server licenses

RemoteClients: Remote Domain client licenses

OpcServer: OPC DA Server licenses

IoDrivers: Driver licenses for any Driver, that is, unlimited Driver licenses

IoDriversId<nnn>: Driver licenses, where nnn is a number between 1 (one) and 65535, when there are licenses for a specific input and output I/O Driver ID

UaServerTagLimit: OPC UA Server licenses

PowerSubstations: Substation licenses

PowerFeeders: Feeder licenses

PowerMeasurements: Measurement licenses

WindTurbines: Wind Turbine licenses

PowerPvArrays: Photovoltaic Array licenses

PowerInverters: Inverter licenses

PowerFlowInputs: Power Flow Input licenses

LoadShedBrakers: Load Shedding Breaker licenses

PowerLoads: Load licenses

PwrViewGeneratorLoads: Schematic View Generation Load licenses

StateEstimatorLoads: State Estimator Load licenses

DistLoadModellingLoads: Distribution Load licenses

SelfHealingBreakers: Self-Healing Recloser and Breaker licenses