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Enum Determines the style of the bar code. Possible values for this property are described on the next table.

Available options for the Style property



0 - rv2NoBarcode

Default bar code style

1 - rv2Ansi39

ANSI 3 of 9 (Code 39) bar code style. Uses letters, numbers, -, *, $, /, +, and %, among others

2 - rv2Ansi39x

Extended ANSI 3 of 9 (Extended Code 39) bar code style. Uses full ASCII characters

3 - rv2Code_2_of_5

2 of 5 bar code style. Uses only numbers

4 - rv2Code25intlv

Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code style. Uses only numbers

5 - rv2Code25mat ou rv2Matrix_2_of_5

Matrix 25 bar code style

6 - rv2Code39

Code 39 bar code style. Uses letters, numbers, -, *, $, /, +, and %, among others

7 - rv2Code39x

Extended Code 39 bar code style. Uses full ASCII characters

8 - rv2Code_128_A

Code 128 A bar code style. Uses numbers, punctuation, or letters

9 - rv2Code_128_B

Code 128 B bar code style. Uses Strings, numbers, punctuation, or letters

10 - rv2Code_128_C

Code 128 C bar code style. Uses only numbers

11 - rv2Code_128auto

Code 128 Automatic bar code style. Uses full ASCII characters. Automatically selects codes between 128 A, B, and C to configure the smallest value in the bar code

12 - rv2Code_93

Code 93 bar code style. Uses letters, numbers, -, *, $, /, +, and %, among others

13 - rv2Code93x

Extended Code 93 bar code style. Uses full ASCII characters

14 - rv2MSI

MSI Code bar code style. Uses only numbers

15 - rv2PostNet

PostNet bar code style. Uses only numbers and a check digit

16 - rv2Codabar

Codabar bar code style. Uses A, B, C, D, +, -, :, /, or numbers

17 - rv2EAN_8

EAN-8 bar code style. Uses only numbers (seven numbers and a check digit)

18 - rv2EAN_13

EAN-13 bar code style. Uses only numbers (12 numbers and a check digit)

19 - rv2UPC_A

UPC-A bar code style. Uses only numbers (11 numbers and a check digit)

20 - rv2UPC_E0

UPC-E1 bar code style. Uses only numbers. Used for UPC zero-compression symbols. In the Text property, users can enter six digits of a UPC-E code or 11 digits. If an 11-digit code is inserted, then this bar code converts it to six UPC-E digits, if possible. Otherwise, converts from 11 to six UPC-E digits and nothing is displayed

21 - rv2UPC_E1

UPC-E1 bar code style. Uses only numbers. The width of input data of UPC E1 is six number characters

22 - rv2RM4SCC

Royal Mail RM4SCC bar code style. Uses only letters and numbers and a check digit. This bar code is used in Great Britain

23 - rv2UCCEAN128

UCC/EAN_128 bar code style. Uses full ASCII characters. This special version of Code 128 is used on HIBC applications

24 - rv2QRCode

2D bar code style that allows number, alphanumeric, and binary characters, in addition to kanji and kana characters

25 - rv2Code49

High-density 2D bar code style containing between two and eight rows with eight characters each

26 - rv2JapanesePostal

Bar code style used by the Japanese mail system

27 - rv2Pdf417

High-density 2D bar code style that allows encoding up to 1108 bytes of information

28 - rv2EAN128FNC1

Alphanumeric bar code style to identify containers in the shipping industry

29 - rv2RSS14

Bar code style formed by 14 number characters

30 - rv2RSS14Truncated

Bar code style formed by 14 number characters, including 0 (zero) or more digits for use in small items

31 - rv2RSS14Stacked

Bar code style formed by 14 number characters on two rows for a smaller width

32 - rv2RSS14StackedOmnidirectional

Bar code style formed by 14 number characters on two rows for a smaller width

33 - rv2RSSExpanded

Bar code style formed by 14 number characters, including information such as weight and best-before dates

34 - rv2RSSExpandedStacked

Bar code style formed by 14 number characters, including information such as weight and best-before dates, stacked on two rows for a smaller width

35 - rv2RSSLimited

Bar code style formed by 14 number characters, including 0 (zero) or more digits for use in small items

36 - rv2DataMatrix

High-density 2D bar code style with square modules arranged in a square or rectangular matrix pattern

37 - rv2MicroPDF417

2D bar code style derived from style rv2Pdf417, allows configuring up to 150 bytes, 250 number characters or 366 digits

38 - rv2MicroQRCode

2D bar code style indicated for applications that use small amounts of data

39 - rv2MaxiCode

Special bar code style that uses 256 characters, indicated for specific amounts of data

40 - rv2GS1QRCode

2D bar code style that is a subset of style rv2QRCode

41 - rv2GS1DataMatrix

2D bar code style used in health industry

42 - rv2Aztec

2D bar code style that supports ASCII characters from 0 (zero) to 255

64 - rv2IntelligentMail

Bar code style used for domestic mail in the US

65 - rv2ITF14

Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code style

66 - rv2Code_11

Bar code style that encodes numbers (0-9), hyphen (-), and start and stop characters, used for telecommunication devices

67 - rv2SSCC_18

Bar code style composed by 18 characters to identify individual containers

68 - rv2Telepen

Bar code style composed by a start character, a check digit, and a stop character, used in the manufacturing industry

69 - rv2Pharmacode

Bar code style composed only by numbers between 3 (three) and 131070, used by the pharmaceutical industry

70 - rv2PZN

Bar code style with the same algorithm of style rv2Code39, except that uses only digits between 0 (zero) and 9 (nine), used to identify medicine and health-care products in Germany

71 - rv2HIBCCode128

Bar code style that uses the same algorithm of style Code 128, used to identify health care products

72 - rv2HIBCCode39

Bar code style that uses the same algorithm of style rv2Code39, used to identify health care products

73 - rv2ISBN

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) bar code style

74 - rv2ISSN

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) bar code style

75 - rv2ISMN

ISMN (International Standard Music Number) bar code style

76 - rv2IATA_2_of_5

Bar code style that is a variation of style rv2Code_2_of_5, except that uses only numbers with a check digit

77 - rv2BC412

Bar code style that uses numbers and characters from A to Z, used to identify semiconductor wafers

78 - rv2Plessey

1D bar code style that uses hexadecimal digits, mainly used by libraries

79 - rv2IntelligentMailPackage

Bar code style more efficient than style rv2IntelligentMail

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