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SyncDataObjects([OnlyExisting], [Quiet])
Allows syncing data objects from an Electrical Model. The OnlyExisting parameter is optional and indicates whether that syncing must be performed only on existing objects or new objects must be created, if needed. The default value of this parameter is True. The Quiet parameter is optional and indicates whether the configuration and error dialog boxes for syncing must be displayed or these dialog boxes must be not be displayed. The default value of this parameter is True.
Using this method without parameters, only with the OnlyExisting parameter in True, or with both parameters in True corresponds to select the Electrical Model - Synchronize Existing Data Objects option on Power Configuration object's contextual menu in Organizer.
Using this method only with the OnlyExisting parameter in False or with the OnlyExisting parameter in False and the Quiet parameter in True corresponds to select the Electrical Model - Synchronize Data Objects option on Power Configuration object's contextual menu in Organizer with default settings, that is, without displaying configuration and error dialog boxes, and without creating new objects.
Using this method with both parameters in False corresponds to select the Electrical Model - Synchronize Data Objects option on Power Configuration object's contextual menu in Organizer, allowing users to select specific objects for syncing.
Using this method with the OnlyExisting parameter in True and the Quiet parameter in False corresponds to select the Electrical Model - Synchronize Existing Data Objects option on Power Configuration object's contextual menu in Organizer, but displaying the window with syncing errors at the end, if that is the case.