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Collection Returns the Collection of Fields of an E3Browser, which contains a list of all fields of a table, allowing a reference using the items of this Collection. This is a read-only property. The default value of this property is empty. The next script contains an example of using this property.

Sub E3Browser1_Click()
  ' Changes the color of Field1
  Set fields = Screen.Item("E3Browser").Fields
  Set field1 = fields.Item("Field1")
  field1.BkColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) ' Red
  ' Shows how many fields this E3Browser contains
  MsgBox fields.Count
  ' Shows the number of fields of this E3Browser
  For Each field In fields
    MsgBox field.Name
End Sub


For more information about the Collection returned by this property, please check topic Collection of E3Browser Fields.

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