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All devices allow inserting the Protections folder, such as Substation, Feeder, Transmission Line, up to any device that can be inserted on these objects.

To add this folder, right-click an object and select the Add - Protections option.

Add - Protections option

Add - Protections option

To insert a Protection, right-click the Protections folder and select the Insert - Protection option.

Insert - Protection option

Insert - Protection option

When creating a new Protection, Elipse Power already created automatically the Measurements folder with Protection Mode-type and Protection Operate-type Discrete Measurements. This location is the indicated one to create Measurements related to this Protection, such as configurations, protection initialization, and protection profile, among others.

In addition to the Measurements folder, users can create the Commands folder, in which they can create Commands to change the protection mode or change the protection profile, among others.

For a Protection to work properly, the ProtectionType and ElectricalPhase properties must be configured.

Protection properties can be checked on Elipse Power Reference and Scripts Manual.

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