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There was an error in the number of columns of a CSV file when importing an Alarm of type <typename>. Would you like to proceed with the import of the other Alarms, ignoring these errors?


Possible causes

A CSV file with Alarms to import contains an error in its columns of the indicated type. Alarm files must always contain the minimum number of columns expected, according to every type. Extra columns are skipped. To know the correct way to create a CSV file for Alarms, please check topic Generating a CSV File Manually, on Elipse Power Studio chapter.



Possible answers to that question in the error message are the following:

Yes: This process of importing Alarms inside this CSV file proceeds, ignoring only this error about the number of columns. The Alarm whose columns are incorrect is not imported

Yes (All): This process of importing Alarms proceeds, ignoring all subsequent Alarms with errors in the number of columns that may exist in that CSV file

No: The process of importing stops, but Alarms already imported are preserved


To prevent this error, this CSV file must be created according to recommendations on chapter Alarms.



Although Tag and Alarm files have the same extension (.csv), internally they are different. Hence, an Alarm file is not suited for Tags and vice versa.


I created a CSV file manually, containing an Alarm configuration. How can I import it?

Check Region and Language configurations on Windows Settings, and make sure the decimal separator is the same used in this CSV file. TIP: create an Alarm in Elipse Power and use the export tool, using the resulting file as a template for generating new Alarms.


How can I display an E3TimeStamp field with milliseconds in E3Browser and in E3Alarm?

Use the Others format, and type "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.000". This configuration for an E3Browser is performed on the Data Source tab, on the Format column of each Field. For an E3Alarm, such configuration is performed on the Columns tab, by clicking Properties on each Field.


The following error message appears: "Impossible to create alarm signatures on the Alarm Server with filter. Error code: (0x800706F7)". What does that mean?

The name of this Alarm Server is not specified in the E3Alarm, or it is not correct. For an E3Alarm to capture and display active Alarms, users must configure the name of an Alarm Server to access. To do so, change the value of the Alarm Server column of the desired Connection on the Connections tab of E3Alarm's properties window, or use the Properties List and select the AlarmServer property.


How can I delete Tags linked to Alarms and Areas on an Alarm Configuration object?

To delete a Tag linked to an Alarm: Select this Tag with the mouse and press the DELETE key

To delete an Alarm: Select this Alarm with the mouse and press the DELETE key

To delete an Area: Select this Area and press the DELETE key


How to display "Critical", "High", "Medium", and "Low" messages in an Alarm's Severity field instead of values -2 (minus two), 0 (zero), 1 (one), and 2 (two) in a SQL query?

The SQL syntax for every database supported by Elipse Power is the following:


SELECT InTime, OutTime, Message, FormattedValue,
  IIF(Severity = "-2", "Critical",
  IIF(Severity = "0", "High",
  IIF(Severity = "1", "Medium", "Low")))
  AS Severity FROM Alarms;


SQL Server:

SELECT InTime, OutTime, Message, FormattedValue,
  Severity = CASE Severity
  WHEN -2 THEN 'Critical'
  WHEN 0 THEN 'High'
  WHEN 1 THEN 'Medium'
  FROM Alarms;



SELECT InTime, OutTime, Message, FormattedValue,
  DECODE(Severity, -2, 'Critical', 0, 'High', 1, 'Medium', 2, 'Low')
  Severity FROM Alarms;


MySQL or PostgreSQL:

SELECT InTime, OutTime, Message, FormattedValue,
  CASE WHEN Severity = '-2' THEN 'Critical'
  WHEN Severity = '0' THEN 'High'
  WHEN Severity = '1' THEN 'Medium'
  WHEN Severity = '2' THEN 'Low' END
  AS Severity FROM Alarms;

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