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Bookmarks are used to highlight occurrences on E3Playback's timeline.



Available options on the Bookmarks toolbar



Adds a Bookmark on the Selected Timestamp Adds a Bookmark on the Selected Timestamp

Adds a name to a bookmark on the timeline, at the selected date and time

Edits the Selected Bookmark Edits the Selected Bookmark

Allows editing the selected bookmark, also changing date and time, name, or description

Deletes the Bookmark Deletes the Bookmark

Deletes the selected bookmark from the timeline

Deletes All Bookmarks Deletes All Bookmarks

Deletes all bookmarks created on the timeline

Moves to the Previous Bookmark Moves to the Previous Bookmark

Selects a bookmark immediately ahead on the timeline and on the event list, simultaneously

Moves to the Next Bookmark Moves to the Next Bookmark

Selects the next bookmark on the timeline and on the event list, simultaneously


By clicking Add Add bookmark or Edit Edit selected bookmark, the following window is then displayed.

Add/Edit Bookmark window

Add/Edit Bookmark window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Add/Edit Bookmark window




Allows selecting a bookmark's date and time, including milliseconds. These fields are already filled in with the selected date and time on the timeline


Allows selecting a bookmark's name


Allows informing an additional comment for this bookmark


When creating a bookmark, it is displayed on the Timeline, as in the next figure, and also on the Event List.

Timeline with bookmarks

Timeline with bookmarks

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