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Communication of Elipse Power's OPC Client with an OPC Server is performed by a separate process. This process, when an OPC Driver is activated in Elipse Power Studio, executes on the current user logged in Windows. At run time, on the other hand, this process is executed on the SYSTEM account. Some OPC Servers may be sensitive to the account they are executing, and for this reason, it may be necessary to reconfigure this process to execute on a specific user. To do so, follow these procedures:

1.On Windows Start menu, click All apps, select the Windows Tools item, and then select the Component Services item, or type dcomcnfg on a Windows Command Prompt.

2.Expand the DCOM Config item in Component Services - Computers - My Computer, right-click the E3OpcClient item and select the Properties option.

3.Select the Identity tab, select the This user item, and fill in the account information.

4.Click OK and restart the computer to apply these settings.

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