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A Pulser Pulser is a Control that allows performing writings when a base condition is met. That writing is performed to a Tag and its result or verification of the base value is returned through another Tag. To use it, configure the options described on the next table.

Available options for a Pulser




Visible text on top of the Pulser


Visible text below Pulser's title


Pulser's color. Click Color to select a pre-defined color or to define a new color

Tag Read

Tag used to receive a writing's return. Click Tag to select a Tag

ON - Value

A value interpreted as True

ON - Text

Text viewed when the value is True

ON - Image

Image viewed when the value is True. Click Image to select a pre-defined image or to select a new image

OFF - Value

A value interpreted as False

OFF - Text

Text viewed when the value is False

OFF - Image

Image viewed when the value is False. Click Image to select a pre-defined image or to select a new image

Tag Write

Tag used to write a value. Click Tag to select a Tag

Value base

Resting value corresponding to the tag value before executing the command

Value Positive

Writing value. When pressing the button, the writing value is sent first and then the base value is sent sequentially

Require confirmation before change

Enables a confirmation for a value before writing it

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