Page Link

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Page Link

A Page Link Page Link is a Control that allows redirecting to another Page. To use it, configure the options described on the next table.

Available options for a Page Link




Visible text on top of the Page Link


Visible text below Page Link's title


Page Link's color. Click Color to select a pre-defined color or to define a new color


Page Link's width, relative to the controls' default size. Default value of this property is 1 (one)


Image viewed near a Page Link's value. Click Image to select a pre-defined image or to select a new image

Stretch image

Allows fitting the image selected on the Image option, in cases that image does not fill the whole space available on the control or has a size bigger than the space available on the control


Name of a Page to which this Page Link redirects. In this option, users can select the New page item to create a new Page

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