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A Form can be configured to display only certain Fields, values, or states. To do so, click Filter on the Form area to open the window on the next figure.

Filter window

Filter window

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options on the Filter window




Filters by the state of a Field. Possible values for this option are ANY, Pending, Attributed, Finished, or Approved


Filters by the name of a Field


Filters by the value of a Field


Closes this window without applying any filter


Applies the configured filters and closes this window


The value to define for a filter of any of the options available can be a fixed value or an expression. In case of expressions, this value must start with an equal (=) character.

At run time, users can also configure these same filters. The difference from configuration-time filters is that, when a Form is in Offline mode, the state filter is always Pending, for performance reasons.

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