Elipse CloudLink

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Elipse CloudLink

Elipse CloudLink allows a connection between a mobile server in the cloud and a local E3 or Elipse Power server. The only requirement is to execute Elipse CloudLink on a machine with access to Internet. There is no need to configure a firewall, because Elipse CloudLink uses the HTTP protocol for communication.



This Connection is only available for the Elipse Mobile Cloud version of Elipse Mobile Server.


Elipse CloudLink architecture

Elipse CloudLink architecture


Instructions to install Elipse CloudLink

1.Select the Connections option on the configuration menu.

2.Add a Connection of type E3 \ Power.

Adding an E3 Connection

Adding an E3 Connection

3.Inform a user name and a password for this Connection.

Configuring a username and a password for the Connection

Configuring a username and a password for the Connection

4.Save this Connection.

5.Click Installer to download Elipse CloudLink and then follow the installer's instructions.

Elipse CloudLink installer

Elipse CloudLink installer

6.Click Download config.clf to download the configuration file.

7.Open this configuration file to open the initial screen of Elipse CloudLink, already with basic settings filled in.

Configuration window of Elipse CloudLink

Configuration window of Elipse CloudLink

The next topics contain information about specific settings of Elipse CloudLink.

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