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An E3 E3 Connection Connection creates a native connection to an E3 or Elipse Power server. In this type of Connection, the system administrator can add two servers (Hot-Standby) so that, in case the main server fails, the backup server is activated and Elipse Mobile Server can use this server. The names of these servers must be separated by commas. To do so, select the Connections Connections tab, click Add Add, and select the E3 option. The window on the next figure is opened.

E3 Connection

E3 Connection

The available options on this window are described on the next table.

Available options for an E3-type of Connection




Connection's name


Indicates the type of connection to an E3 or Elipse Power server, local to use E3 from the local computer or other to indicate an E3 or Elipse Power server on the network


Name of a user on the E3 or Elipse Power server


Password of a user on the E3 or Elipse Power server



In case of E3 or Elipse Power servers in Hot-Standby mode, select the other item in the Server option and indicate the servers participating in the Hot-Standby mode separated by commas, such as "\\SERVER1,\\SERVER2".

This Connection is only available for the Elipse Mobile On-Premises version of Elipse Mobile Server.

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