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Allows sending commands to objects of type xfCommandUnit. This object performs permission checks on the object and its behavior is different, depending on the type of configured command for the linked xfCommandUnit object. This object contains a vertical rectangle on its right side, which indicates the interlock and feedback statuses.

The Interlocked status is retrieved automatically from the xfCommandUnit object, indicating that there is a process situation that could block the command. If the Interlocked status is active, a command's effective block happens depending on the InterlockMode property of the xfCommandUnit object, which can be 0: Do not block, 1: Warns, or 2: Blocks.

The Feedback status, which is optional, is retrieved from a digital status (xfDiscreteInfo) that indicates the return of a command. It can indicate active (ColorStatusOn), inactive (ColorStatusOff), and invalid (ColorStatusInvalid) statuses and can be inverted using the InverseFeedBack property.

An interlock indication contains a priority higher than a feedback indication.

Clicking this object performs the next actions.

1.Checks if the command is authorized, that is, if a user's group belongs to the list of authorized groups for the command or to a higher level (PlantFolder).

2.Checks if the command is blocked due to any interlock.

3.If there is a confirmation and an electronic signature, performs the request and check.


The result, whether it is a success or a failure, is logged to the xoLogger object from PlantModel Library, which must be instantiated as Logger.LogSvc, with the next parameters in the input array.

Element 0: "xfCommandUnit"

Element 1: PathName property of the object that generated the command

Element 2: Name of the user who requested the command

Element 3: Result of the operation. Possible values are 0: OK, 1: Failure, 2: Not authorized, or 3: Blocked

Element 4: Name of the computer from where the command was sent

Element 5: Requested value

Element 6: Time

Element 7: Comments or observations


Properties of the hpXCommandButton object




Link to an xfCommandUnit object


Enable this object to respond to a mouse click


Enables translation for this object


Optional Link to an xfDiscreteInfo object with this command's return


Indicates whether the status of the object indicated in the FeedbackObject property is inverted


Defines the text to identify this object


Defines the availability status of this objects. Possible values for this property are True: Enabled or False: Disabled


Defines the interlocked status of this object. Possible values for this property are True: Interlocked or False: Not interlocked

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