Custom-Type Tabs

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Custom-Type Tabs

Users can create an XControl and display it on the Faceplate Screen. To do so, users must specify the name of that XControl and an icon to display on the Links bar. The syntax for the PopupCode property is "U=(XControl,Icon,Tip)". Consider the next example.

"U=(custom.CustomDisplay1,custom.CustomIcon1,Here comes a custom tip)"


In this case, a custom tab is displayed with the following features:

The tab displays the CustomDisplay1, object, created in the custom.lib library

This tab's icon is the CustomIcon1 object, created in the custom.lib library. For more information, please check topic Creating a Custom Icon

The button to open this tab contains a help text "Here comes a custom tip"

This tab does contain a command to expand the window, therefore its size is fixed



The Tip parameter is optional and does not allow using the comma, semicolon, and pipe (|) characters, and also the ASCII characters between 0 (zero) and 31 and the character 127 (DEL).

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