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Production Processes are the steps of a productive process needed to transform raw material into a manufactured product. They can be Processes that aggregate value to a product or Processes that generate a loss of value, such as transportation. In Elipse F4, each Process needs at least a name and a default time duration, in seconds, that can be by item or by batch. Users can indicate that a Process is a transportation, with loss of value, and include work instructions for operators, essentially useful when using the Workstation module.

Click Add production process to display a form on the side menu to define Process data, according to the next figure.

Add production process option

Add production process option

Each Production Process can include one or more parameters, which are sent to an operator or machine on the Production Line. Users can also include the configuration time between different Processes. The next figure shows an example to define a width parameter for a cutting process.

Definition of parameters

Definition of parameters

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