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The SELECT instruction is needed in all queries performed in EPM OLE DB Provider and determines which columns to return. The available options are the following:

All columns (*): Represents all columns a query function can return. The names returned for the columns are identical and in the same order of the ones presented in each function described on topic Data Query Functions

Direct column: Column from a data query function. The column identification is not case-sensitive, but the spelling of the returned name is exactly the one specified in the SELECT instruction

Direct column renamed (alias): Column from a data query function with a custom returned name. The column identification is not case-sensitive

Unnamed calculated column: Column derived from calculations based on constants, columns from Data Query Functions, and Utility Functions. The name returned for the column is always equal to "(No column name)"

Named calculated column (alias): Works just like the previous item, but with the returned name for the column specified in the SELECT instruction

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