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Returns all data from one or more variables informed in the @node parameter, recorded in the queried period.



SELECT Name, Timestamp, Quality, Value FROM EpmQueryRawFunction(@timeZoneOffset, @startTime, @endTime, @valuesPerNode, @returnBounds, @node)



@timeZoneOffset: Timezone to consider. Possible values range between -12 and 14

@startTime: Initial date of the period to query. Users must use a String in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

@endTime: Final date of the period to query. Users must use a String in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

@valuesPerNode: Informs the maximum number of values to return for each queried variable. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that there is no limit

@returnBounds: Defines whether the value previous to the first value found in the queried period and the value after the last value queried must be returned. Possible values are 1 (one, True) or 0 (zero, False)

@node: Variable or variables to query. Users must inform the full name or names between single quotes and comma-separated


Resulting Fields

Name: Name of the variable or variables to query

Timestamp: Timestamp of data found

Quality: Quality of data found

Value: Value of data found


Usage Example

To return raw data, that is, all data effectively stored in the RandomTags_Random1 variable in the period between 10:23 and 11:23 on 12/07/2020, with a timezone of -3 (minus three) hours, also returning the value immediately before the beginning of the queried period, use the next declaration.

SELECT Name, Timestamp, Quality, Value FROM EpmQueryRawFunction(-3, '2020-12-07 10:23:00', '2020-12-07 11:23:00', 0, 1, 'RandomTags_Random1')

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