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Returns data from a query with pen configuration, aggregation types, and period from the Dataset Server informed in the @datasetName parameter.



SELECT Name, Timestamp, Quality, Value FROM EpmQueryDataset(@datasetName)



@datasetName: Full name of the Dataset Server to query, which must be between single quotes


Resulting Fields

Name: Name of the variable or variables to query

Timestamp: Timestamp of data found

Quality: Quality of data found

Value: Value of data found


Usage Example

To return a table based on the configurations from Dataset ODBC_Dataset, use the next declaration. The RandomTags_Random1 pen is a Raw-type and the RandomTags_Random10 pen is an Interpolative-type with a time interval set to 30 seconds.

SELECT Name, Timestamp, Quality, Value FROM EpmQueryDataset('ODBC_Dataset')

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