EPM Portal Widgets

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EPM Portal Widgets

Fixed an error when configuring the Property Name field of a column to a primitive value on a DataTable-type widget.

Fixed a problem when executing a Clear command in the Bounds property of a pen on a LinearChart-type widget.

Fixed a problem on the visibility of bounds on a LinearChart-type widget.

Fixed a problem during the initialization of bounds on a LinearChart-type widget.

Fixed a problem when removing a pen from a LinearChart-type widget.

Fixed a problem when removing all pens from a LinearChart-type widget using the clearAsync method of dashboard service.

Fixed a problem on the binding of a pen's axis from a LinearChart-type widget.

Fixed a problem on a pen's bounds from a LinearChart-type widget.

Improved the precision of LinearChart-type widgets.

Fixed a problem of a displaced chart when using a discrete pen on a LinearChart-type widget.

Fixed a problem of resizing a LineChartXY-type widget.

Fixed a problem on the vertical axis of charts on a LineChartXY-type widget.

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