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Returns data from one or more variables, comma-separated, informed in the @node parameter, according to the format defined by the aggregation function indicated by the @aggregateFunction parameter.



SELECT Name, Timestamp, Quality, Value FROM EpmQueryAggregateFunction(@timeZoneOffset, @startTime, @endTime, @sampleInterval, @aggregateFunction, @node)



@timeZoneOffset: Timezone to consider. Possible values range between -12 and 14

@startTime: Initial date of the period to query. Users must use a String in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

@endTime: Final date of the period to query. Users must use a String in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

@sampleInterval: Time interval used to calculate aggregation, in milliseconds

@aggregateFunction: Name of the aggregation function to use. Possible values for this parameter are described on the next table

@node: Variable or variables to query. Users must inform the full name or names between single quotes and comma-separated


Possible values for the @aggregateFunction parameter




Informs how many annotations a variable has inside the sampling interval


Calculates the average of data values with good quality inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter


Returns the number of data present in the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter


Returns the difference between the first and last values with good quality inside each sampling interval


Returns the difference between the first and last values with good quality inside each sampling interval. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Returns the time, in milliseconds, in which data had bad quality inside the sampling interval. Quality is defined based on the quality of data from interval's edges


Returns the time, in milliseconds, in which data had good quality inside the sampling interval. Quality is defined based on the quality of data from interval's edges


Returns the total time, in milliseconds, in which a value remained different from 0 (zero) inside the sampling interval


Returns the total time, in milliseconds, in which a value remained in 0 (zero) inside the sampling interval


Equivalent to the Interpolative function, but uses the original timestamp from the last value of the sampling interval


Equivalent to the Interpolative function, but uses the original timestamp from the last value of the sampling interval. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Interpolates data from the queried interval, returning points according to the interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter


Informs the greatest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter. The timestamp corresponds to the starting time of each sampling interval


Informs the greatest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter. The timestamp corresponds to the starting time of each sampling interval. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Informs the greatest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter, except that the timestamp corresponds to the moment the greatest value found occurred


Informs the greatest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter, except that the timestamp corresponds to the moment the greatest value found occurred. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Informs the smallest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter. The timestamp corresponds to the starting time of each sampling interval


Informs the smallest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter. The timestamp corresponds to the starting time of each sampling interval. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Informs the smallest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter, except that the timestamp corresponds to the moment the smallest value found occurred


Informs the smallest value found on data inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter, except that the timestamp corresponds to the moment the smallest value found occurred. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Informs how many transitions occurred inside the sampling interval between values 0 (zero) and 1 (one)


Returns a percentage of time, relative to the time of the sampling interval, in which data had bad quality


Returns a percentage of time, relative to the time of the sampling interval, in which data had good quality


Returns a percentage of time, relative to the time of the sampling interval, in which the value remained different from 0 (zero)


Returns a percentage of time, relative to the time of the sampling interval, in which the value remained in 0 (zero)


Returns the difference between the smallest and the greatest value found inside the sampling interval informed in the @sampleInterval parameter. Ignores bad quality values


Returns the difference between the smallest and the greatest value found inside the sampling interval informed in the @sampleInterval parameter. Ignores bad quality values and considers the Simple Bounding Values


Returns the population standard deviation (n) in the requested interval. It includes the Simple Bounding Values


Returns the sampling standard deviation (n - 1) in the requested interval


Equivalent to the Interpolative function, but uses the original timestamp from the first value of the sampling interval


Equivalent to the Interpolative function, but uses the original timestamp from the first value of the sampling interval. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Calculates the weighted average by time using the Interpolated Bounding Values method inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter


Calculates the weighted average by time using the Simple Bounding Values method inside the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter


Returns the sum of data from the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter


Returns the sum of data with good quality from the sampling interval defined in the @sampleInterval parameter


Interpolates queried data for a better visualization on charts


Returns the variance for the StandardDeviationPopulation function


Returns the variance for the StandardDeviationSample function


Returns the worst quality found in the interval specified in the @sampleInterval parameter


Returns the worst quality found in the interval specified in the @sampleInterval parameter. It considers the Simple Bounding Values


Resulting Fields

Name: Name of the variable or variables queried

Timestamp: Timestamp of data

Quality: Quality of data

Value: Value of data


Usage Example

To return data from variable RandomTags_Random1 in the period between 10:23 and 11:23 on 12/07/2020, with a timezone of -3 (minus three) hours and interpolated at every 5 (five) minutes, use the next declaration.

SELECT Name, Timestamp, Quality, Value FROM EpmQueryAggregateFunction(-3, '2020-12-07 10:23:00', '2020-12-07 11:23:00', 300000, 'Interpolative', 'RandomTags1')

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